Hull and East Yorkshire Mind tries hard to ensure the content of its website is useful, accurate and up to date but we do not accept any liability for any errors or omissions. Please let us know if you see something you think is wrong and we will look at it as soon as we can.
We work with a reputable web hosting company who tries hard to ensure the website is always live and working well, but despite best endeavours there will inevitably be times it may not. We can accept no responsibility for inconvenience or distress caused if the website should not be working.
Links to external websites will be checked regularly to ensure they are still accurate but we can accept no responsibility for distress or inconvenience caused should the links no longer be accurate. We have provided links to websites in good faith that they will be useful and helpful sites. We cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information or content of those websites as we have no control over them.
We reserve the right to add, revise, amend or delete any of the content of this website without notice and at our discretion.
We are happy for users to download or copy information from this site if it is for their personal reference or non –commercial use only.
The name Hull and East Yorkshire Mind is reserved for our use only. Our logos and names must not be used for any purpose or event without our permission.
If you email us please be aware that we cannot guarantee the security of the content of the information whist the email is in transit but once we have received the email your information will be dealt with in line with our confidentiality and data protection policies.
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