Take a moment to look after your mental health and wellbeing

PAUSE - Is it time for a social media break?

April is Stress Awareness Month. So we want to ask you a question… does social media make you feel stressed?

Hull and East Yorkshire Mind and East Riding of Yorkshire Council are happy to be re-launching PAUSE – a campaign to encourage the residents of East Riding to reduce their social media usage throughout April. It can be as little as just 2 hours a day, and you can choose how long you participate for. You may decide to participate for a week, a fortnight or even the full month! You decide. It’s whatever works best for you and your lifestyle.

It is averaged that the time spent on social media every day is increasing, with individuals averaging spending 136 minutes a day. But could we be doing something to support our mental health using this time instead? Perhaps meeting a friend, having a conversation, grabbing a coffee and having a walk, or spending time with family? It can all help to improve our mental health and wellbeing.

To sign up, it’s simple:

  • Sign up to PAUSE using the sign up form below.
  • Choose how long you wish to participate for.
  • Commit to reduce your social media usage.
  • Improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Sometimes you can live in the past, where as sometimes life can feel like it’s going 100mph where you are struggling to keep up. By signing up, you can pause, take it in, and really make a difference to your mental health.

Here is some feedback from an individual who has previously took part in the campaign:

“Though I still enjoy the buzz you can get from posting on social media or seeing what your friends are up to, I’m grateful to have realised that it isn’t everything and there’s a real benefit in taking a break and putting your mental health first.”

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    How long are you planning to participate for? (required)

    Why do you want to take part in PAUSE? (required)

    We would like to keep in touch with you about the vital work we do for mental health in our local area, our fundraising appeals, ways you can support us, and our campaigning activities. Please tick to allow us to contact you using the details above.You can change your mind at any time by emailing [email protected] or by calling 01482 240200.