NewsPress Releases Hull and East Yorkshire Mind teams up with Hull Kingston Rovers to new launch charity shirt Hull and East Yorkshire Mind are proud to have teamed up with Hull Kingston Rovers…Jack Moore02/10/2020
NewsPress Releases New service launches to support local people who have been bereaved by suicide A new service has launched to support local people who have been bereaved by suicide…Jack Moore13/07/2020
NewsPress Releases 24/7 support to help local people experiencing poor mental health We are excited to announce that we have extended the hours of our Information and…Jack Moore21/04/2020
NewsPress Releases The UK’s first mass sign up to the time to change pledge to take place on World Mental Health Day Local mental health charity Hull and East Yorkshire Mind and Hull City Council are holding…Jack Moore16/07/2019
NewsPress Releases North East Lincolnshire Mind working with NAVIGO on new Safe Space in Grimsby North East Lincolnshire Mind are happy to be working alongside NAVIGO on a new joint…Jack Moore13/06/2019
NewsPress Releases Free Mental Health Training for Employers in Hull Local mental health charity Hull and East Yorkshire Mind and Hull City Council are holding…Jack Moore03/06/2019
NewsPress Releases #NEW – Local charities using the power of sport to tackle mental health problems Local Mental Health charity Hull and East Yorkshire Mind has joined forces with Active Humber…Jack Moore14/02/2019
NewsPress Releases Can you help us? We don’t normally send many direct appeals for money, but this appeal is so important,…Jack Moore08/02/2019
NewsPress Releases NEW – It’s time to change how local employers think about mental health in the workplace… We are happy to be working alongside Hull City Council to encourage local employers to…Jack Moore07/02/2019
NewsPress Releases New ‘It’s OK to Talk’ Campaign – In partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Council We are very happy to be working with East Riding of Yorkshire Council to promote…Jack Moore27/11/2018