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My week at Hull and East Yorkshire mind for work experience-Charlie Baron


The first day here was very nerve racking, having to meet new people and come out of my comfort zone. The people here at Hull and East Yorkshire Mind are nice and welcomed me in like I’ve been working there for years. I had another work experience person working on the same stuff as me so we usually helped each other the best we could.

The work was difficult until I started doing it over and over which made it easier. I came to this company for work experience not knowing anything about it to then being just over halfway through the week non-stop talking about it. The hours were very tiring, but they were bearable (I had to get up an hour earlier than usual).

The first task we had to do was research current mental health campaigns by other charities. We then had another task which was to identify what makes the campaigns effective and to look at the national Mind website.

On the second day we were told to write an email about young people and young adults mental health and how to help deal with it. Also, how they would benefit from coming to Hull and East Yorkshire Mind.

The third day was even harder, we had to create a campaign where I created a survey about young people to obtain research on how mental health charities can help with their mental health. We then did a Q and A about our campaign where we read it out Infront of the marketing team, Jack and Meg.

The fourth day we were told to write a blog on how we find the company and what we have done throughout the week so far (This is the blog). We also did the editing workshop which is a video on coping mechanisms.

Throughout this week I have learned so much and met so many people. For example, I’ve learnt how to create graphics and identify what makes campaigns effective. Also, how to create my own campaign and how to create the briefs for people to understand.

I also learnt how to make a professional email to parents/carers on how to help deal with young people’s mental health and how they would benefit from coming to Hull and East Yorkshire Mind.

We also created social media posts. We had to make separate graphics for every social media e.g., LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. The graphics were hard at first but got easier the more    we made them.

Furthermore, I learned that mind and Hull and East Yorkshire Mind are 2 separate companies. Hull and East Yorkshire Mind is one of 110 local Minds and Mind is the national branch.

On Friday, we had fat Friday and we finalised everything we made throughout the week and then learned how to use schedule software so we can schedule our work.

Overall, I’ve had an amazing week here at Hull and East Yorkshire Mind and I would recommend it to other year tens looking for places to do work experience. All though it was tiring I would consider doing this as a permanent job for the future.