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Well how do I break down how I struggle with stress, just thinking about it stresses me out

Relating to my movement disorder, essential tremor, anxiety comes part and parcel with the tremor. Most of my days I do have elements of stress, just the everyday things like going shopping and watching the customer service staring at me pack my shopping. Going for some food and if I’m having a bad day, this elevates my stress levels and as a result this amplifies my essential tremor. I’m lucky if I can get the food to my mouth sometimes, but humour is the best medicine and I am able to laugh at myself. A classic is when I visit my mother and she cooks me a roast dinner and the plate is drowned in gravy, more to mop up with bread. I make sure I am prepared and have a tea towel tucked in at the ready. We laugh that I have managed to get more down my top, when mopping it up lol.

Over the years I have to say my stress levels have hit peaks and troughs, relating to what is going on in my life. Like many of us, what is stressful to one person to another is “why are you getting so stressed out?” I’m not sure if you can relate to this but some days the everyday tasks like having to clean the house, the thought of doing the washing or even washing a few pots in the sink, has my little head spinning. Over the years I have learnt to be kind to myself and if I am not up to something, I do not beat myself up about it. I try to think of what I want to do and what I need to do. The bigger things I break down into must do’s and will do’s if that makes sense. Accepting that I cannot do everything has been a massive help and helped me be more productive funnily enough.

I think being able to recognise the signs of stress is massive, like how it affects you and affects your well being. I know from personal experience when I am stressed, I procrastinate a lot, struggle sleeping and the biggest indicator, I ruminate a lot. The rumination is a sign even my friends and family members recognise, as I talk about the same thing all the time, going over and over the same thing, like a problem or something that has upset me. I even hear myself doing it and I know that my stress levels are on the up. I know I need to take a step back, like have time to myself and make sure I get plenty of sleep, there is no shame in self care. I always think if you are overdoing it physically you rest, and surely the same applies for your mental well being, which for those of us who have experienced this are all too well aware !!

Here’s something to help you smile

I am the masked procrastinator

My head has a to do list which

just seems to be getting longer

I wish I could commit from start

to finish just wish I was stronger


It has become a battle of wills

will I or won’t I then no I won’t

Forgetting what I was doing is

my best excuse my do or don’t


I have my own mantra to help me

ignore innermost gunna thoughts

Procrastinate no more I am kean

I ignore you to get my house clean