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From the age of 26 I noticed my hands shaking mainly when I was in situations that made me anxious. After noticing this it seemed to amplify my hand tremor, as thinking about it seemed to make it worse. This continued for the next few years and I just assumed I was struggling with anxiety brought on by stress. I felt I was in this bubble of my own thoughts where I watched people watching me, constantly worrying if they had noticed my hands shaking.

When I was in my late twenties I was on holiday with my friend in the Canaries. Sun, Sea and relaxation…who am I kidding I was young and was there to have fun as well lol. After only a couple of days my hand tremors kicked in. I couldn’t even feel comfortable eating breakfast in the hotel as I had noticed others staring when I was trying to eat my breakfast. This was the catalyst for me visiting the Doctor where I eventually got a diagnosis of anxiety associated with my Benign Essential Tremor.

Fast forward 25 years and I have learned to live with my neurological condition but I’m not going to lie. It hasn’t been easy, far from it. I had a spell in my early thirties where I struggled with depression through to my mid thirties. Over the years I have learnt to recognise the signs of my unwelcome friend, as I have called her for many years. In my acceptance of these feelings it has helped me learn to live with my anxiety and Essential Tremor.

It’s still a learning curve, even after all these years, as I have navigated my medication free journey to live with my symptoms. After losing my beloved Nanna Brenda, I took to penning my thoughts, after I had written a eulogy for her funeral. Over the past 15 years I’ve been writing, to calm my ruminating thoughts. I started to write poetry which I have to say has been my saviour. As soon as I feel those intrusive thoughts I take my mind somewhere else.

I guess what I am saying is find something you enjoy. It could be anything like going to the gym, reading a book, painting or even just going out for some fresh air, going for a walk. For years the stress associated with my essential tremor, I have to a certain degree let it hold me back. That is until I found my go to, my safe place as it were, writing. I do not profess to be any good, it’s the pleasure I get from the process and the benefits for my inner calm and my inner peace.


Here’s something I’ve written


Give peace a chance


Do not underestimate peace

by thinking of your own self care

And your mental wellbeing

by becoming more self-aware


Time really is precious and

a thing that cannot be bought

Taking time to understand

your own feelings and thoughts


All too many times you have

put others needs before your own

Then the realisation hits that

you have never felt more alone


You may try to fill the void

seeking happiness in their approval

But therein lies the problem

so what happens in their refusal


At the heart of you is you

need to be there for you to be fulfilled

That’s easier said than done

when every emotional string is pulled


Parents and Grandparents

felt the same but society dictated

The stiff upper lip get on with

behind closed doors was translated


There’s information out there

some say it’s an Information overload

Instead of life’s ups and downs

attribute everything, enough to implode


Your self care is not selfish

is conducive to harmony and peace

To your mental health and your

wellbeing, to be the best you can be