Here for you. Designed for you. With services specific to your individual needs, for both children and adults, we’re here for you when you need us.
Blogs and stories can show that people with mental health problems are cared about, understood and listened to. We can use it to challenge the status quo and change attitudes.
We believe that no-one should have to face a mental health problem alone – and blogs, real stories from real people, can play a part in achieving this.
Reading a blog or watching a vlog by someone going through a familiar experience can have a big impact. ‘You’ve put into words how I feel’ is a comment we often see on our guest blogs. And reading or watching a piece about an experience we didn’t know about can open up our eyes, give us a unique insight and help us learn.
To submit a blog to Hull and East Yorkshire Mind please email it to [email protected]
My name is Claire and I’m 41 years of age with two young children. I had my children when I was 34 and 38 years. I’m going to share my story of struggles with mental illness and my journey of recovery.
A member of the public would like to share his experiences of depression, he considers himself an ordinary family man with a fulltime job and a “normal life”. No one is immune from mental health problems, if this blog strikes a chord, please contact us for help and support.
Emma’s candid and forthright blog on her long relationship with depression
My name is Jack, Im 19 and work full time. I enjoy going out with friends, sometimes gym and lots of holidays. Check out my first blog about how social media has both a positive and negative affect on young people’s mental health.
My name is Fran, I’m 41 and I run my own business. I have 5 kids. I have had depression and post- natal depression three times. Depression sucks. People don’t get it. They don’t understand why, when you seem to have so much to be thankful for, that you’re not.
I lost my sight a few years back, strangely enough, I cannot remember the year let alone the date, I remember very little detail in relation to my diagnosis, in fact I didn’t want to hear what the consultant had to say. Read more…
As it is with mental health illnesses in general, responsibility is a major issue when it comes to Eating Disorders. Earlier this year I had the misfortune of reading a piece of research that highlighted a stark contrast in regards to the beliefs and attitudes towards individuals with varying physical illnesses, in comparison to those with Eating Disorders.
Finding a nice, delicate balance between self-care and ‘reality’ can be super difficult, but it IS important for your health and peace of mind, especially if you have certain areas of your life that make you feel anxious or stressed out.
My name is Christine and I would like to share the huge benefits that myself and the other 3 members of our walking group have gained over the past year since first meeting and then maintaining our weekly meetups and trips outdoors.