As a transgender person myself, growing up with other visible trans* people living authentically and taking on the world despite their difficulties was massively inspiring. It was something I not only wanted, but needed to see. Now, a bit older, I appreciate Transgender Day of Visibility more than I have words to express.
As we move further towards a world where trans* people are continually placed under a microscope, seeing these same people living their lives, fulfilling their dreams and achieving their goals has never been more important. When I was young, I always felt a bit out of place. It’s rough growing up LGBTQ+ and not knowing who is on your side and who you can turn to. It brings me so much joy to know there are so many resources out there now to support people going through those exact experiences and feelings I felt back then.
Working in the public eye, both as a developer for a successful game, and previously as an influencer, has its perks and certainly its drawbacks. Naturally it comes with not-so-kind people having direct access to you. I’ve found through the last few years that there is truly one thing that can make such a huge difference for the negative feelings you may experience: community. Whether that is your biological family, or your chosen family, your friends or even just a social group you attend. Being surrounded by people who support and love you for who you are makes a massive difference when going out into the world. Knowing you are unconditionally loved, supported and cared for by someone makes the world of difference. Being in the public eye does come with one big benefit, however. I get to now be part of the visible people that I hope will help other trans* people to feel represented and supported and hopefully inspired to stand up proudly as who they are authentically too.
Managing your mental health while going through something like this isn’t easy, but asking for help is a great first step. Whether that’s to your doctor, a therapist, or even just a friend. Reaching out and recognising you need support is a huge achievement and I will always be grateful for the people who supported me when I needed it most.
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility to all of you. You’re stronger than you think you are.